After the incredible miracles of the splitting of the sea and the drowning of the Egyptian armies, Klal Yisroel saw the mighty hand of Hashem. They feared Hashem and they believed in Hashem. From the midrash1 and its commentaries it seems that the seeing, fearing, and believing demonstrated by Klal Yisroel here were three distinct levels of spiritual ascension that Klal Yisroel were zoche to earn and attain at that time. Seeing and contemplating the greatness and might of Hashem succeeded in elevating them to an incredible level of fearing Hashem. This level of fearing Hashem in turn elevated them to an extraordinary level of believing in Hashem. Let us examine each of these three levels of holiness seeing, fearing, and believing.
"Israel saw the great might which Hashem performed in Egypt." What exactly was this level of seeing that Klal Yisroel had attained at that time? Chazal explain that at the time of the splitting of the sea, a simple maidservant saw more than the visions of the holy prophet Yechezkel Ben Buzi. Exactly which visions did Yechezkel Ben Buzi see? "The Heavens were opened and I saw Divine visions of Hashem Himself (Yechezkel 1:1)." Chazal interpret this to mean Maaseh Merkava" - the wisdom of delving into the very depths of the essence of the Creator Himself. How holy were these visions of Yechezkel the Prophet? From the Gemorah Chagigah (14b) we can see the incredible holiness of Yechezkel's prophecies. The Gemorah relates that when Rabbi Elazar Ben Arach expounded upon Maaseh Merkava, the visions of Yechezkel, the Divine Shechina and the ministering angels were present. A fire descended from Heaven and encircled all the surrounding trees. The trees themselves then began to utter Divine song and praise to Hashem. The Gemorah continues to relate that when Rabbi Yehoshua expounded upon the visions of Yechezkel the Prophet it was the month of Tamuz when the skies are usually cloudless. Nevertheless, the heavens became overcast with clouds and a rainbow appeared in the cloud. The ministering angels assembled and came to listen like people who assemble and come to watch the musical entertainment at a wedding.
From here we can derive an eye-opening insight into the lofty degree of seeing that the Klal Yisroel had attained at that time. Let us progressively examine all the involved parties. It is self-evident that the extraordinary level of holiness experienced by these holy Tanaim was not anywhere near the incredible level of holiness attained by Yechezkel the prophet himself. Chazal testify that even Yechezkel the prophet's visions did not reach the incredible level of the simple maidservant present at krias yam suf. It is also self-evident that the visions of the simple maidservant was not anywhere near the visions and revelations of the Gedolim and Tzadikim. Clearly, the Klal Yisroel who were present at the splitting of the sea had attained incomprehensibly lofty levels of holiness.
Furthermore, when Klal Yisroel went through the sea on dry land the glory of the Divine Shechinah appeared and they pointed with their fingers and exclaimed, "This is my G-D and I shall glorify Him. (see Rashi Shmos 15:2)" Had Chazal not stated this to be factually true, it would be impossible for us to say it. This is then the meaning of and "Israel saw the mighty hand which the Al-Mighty performed in Egypt."
After attaining this incredible level of "seeing" the people were so spiritually elevated that the posuk testifies, "And the people feared Hashem." They ascended to new heights in fearing Hashem, and trembled with fear and fright of the splendor of His Majesty and of doing anything contrary to His will. We learn from here the many degrees and levels of spiritual elevation in Yiras Shamayim that a person can aspire and ascend to. The posuk attests to this pinnacle degree of Yiras Hashem that they had attained after the incredible visions that they had witnessed at the splitting of the sea. Surely this was not the level of fearing Hashem that they had attained prior to their incredible vision at the Yam Suf. Let us learn from here not to be satisfied nor to remain stagnant at the level of Yiras Shamayim in which we are at now. May we aspire to reach new heights and new vistas in fearing Hashem by delving into the Seforim which deal with this great wisdom. It will not come by itself. This is then the meaning of "The people feared Hashem."
The third and highest of these levels was the level that they reached after this incredible level of fearing Hashem - "They believed in Hashem." This may strike us as strange, for how does one attain the level of believing in Hashem after having already attained the level of fearing Hashem? In order to fear Hashem one must first believe in Him. We clearly see here that there are varying levels of belief in Hashem. Surely they believed in Hashem prior to their attaining fear of Him. The Torah here, however, testifies that after attaining the extraordinary level of fear of Hashem, they were so spiritually elevated that they ascended further, reaching even greater heights in emunah bashem. Let us learn from here that there are levels and levels of emunah bashem for us to aspire to and to attain. Let us not be stagnant and remain at the level we are at currently. If we exert ourselves, and delve into the seforim hakedoshim, we can earn and achieve higher and higher levels of emunah bashem.
May we be zoche to attain the highest levels of fearing Hashem - to actually have fear and fright of the splendor of His Majesty and of doing anything contrary to His will. May we also be zoche to attain the highest levels of emunah bashem - to firmly believe in Him with deep sincerity, crystal clarity, and utter simplicity. May we emotionally incorporate within the fiber of our souls the very existence of the Creator and the realization of his total involvement in everything that transpires. Amen.
1 Shmos Rabbah 22:3; Midrash Tehillim 40:4.