Rashi brings from the Sifra the opinion of Rabbi Shimon, that the Torah here uses the word Tzav which denotes zrizus, zeal. Since Aharon would have a monetary loss when he offers the Korban Olah, Hashem instructed Moshe to spur on Aharon and his sons to do this Mitzvah with more zrizus. What exactly is this monetary loss? The Malbim explains that Aharon and his sons will have no personal benefit from the Korban Olah which is entirely consumed by fire on the altar of Hashem. This is unlike all the other offerings, where the Kohanim do personally benefit, and are entitled to various portions of the offering. According to the Malbim, it seems that "monetary loss" does not mean actual financial loss, but it rather implies a lack of monetary gain.

Thus according to Rabbi Shimon, Hashem is telling Moshe to spur on and inspire Aharon and his sons to offer the Korban Olah with enthusiasm and with zeal. This indicates that had Moshe not spurred on Aharon and his sons, they would have offered the Korban Olah with a lack of zrizus, since they derive no benefit from it.

This is mystifying. Who were Aharon HaCohen and his sons? They were kedoshei elyon, the highest and holiest of people. The holy Torah itself calls Aharon a pious person, "Your urim veTurim shall be for your pious person.(Devarim 33:8).1" Our Chazal tell us that Aharon HaKohen while yet in Mitzrayim was a prophet of Hashem. In numerous other places we also find that our Chazal cannot refrain from lauding the holiness and purity of Aharon. If so, how could Chazal possibly say that since Aharon and his sons would not have a portion in the Korban Olah there might exist a laxity in the manner in which they would perform the offering. How could it be that people of such purity and holiness whose very lives are dedicated and devoted solely to serving Hashem with all their capacity, entirely lesahim shamayim, possibly be affected by a lack of monetary gain? What value is there in the insignificant pettiness of monetary gain, in the lives of people immersed in an elevated spiritual stratosphere, a stratosphere of the loftiest spiritual ideals?

Furthermore, isn't the tremendous zchus of offering a Korban Olah to HaKadosh Boruch Hu, the King of all kings enough incentive to spur one on to offer the Korban with all the zeal at one's command, especially in regard to people on the calibre of Ahron and his sons?

Perhaps we may derive from here some insight into the nature of a human being. Even people on the calibre of Aharon the Kohen Gadol, the prophet, and his sons, who have the great zchus to offer a Korban Olah to Hashem and whose very lives are totally immersed in serving Hashem with all their capacity entirely leshaim shamayim, can be affected, by an ever so subtle insignificant triviality, a mere lack of monetary gain. Even people whose very lives revolve around spiritual matters exclusively, where materialism is recognized to be petty and insignificant, can be affected by an innate desire for material want. This subtle infinitesimal speck of material desire, the most we can possibly attribute to the kedoshei Elyon that Aharon and his sons were, can cause within even spiritual giants a trace of laxity to exist due to the fact that material gain will not be forthcoming. This very slight trace of laxity can in turn affect the actions and deeds of even the holiest and purest people. Aharon and his holy sons might lack enthusiasm and zeal in the offering of the Korban Olah. Hashem must tell Moshe to instruct Aharon and his sons to offer the all consumed- Korban Olah with the same zeal and enthusiasm that they offer the other sacrifices.

May we realize the incredible effect that even the slightest innate desires and wants harboring within our hearts have on our actions and deeds. May we be zoche to be able to detect them and obliterate them from within us. We will then be able to serve our Creator with a pure and holy heart, one which will enable us to serve Him with enthusiasm and zeal, VeTaher Libeinu LeAvdecha BeEmes. Amen.

Dear Friends,

I am proud to inform you that "Shaar HaNeginah," the long-awaited, fantastic new album of original songs produced by Yeshiva Kesser Torah of Queens has just been released. This acclaimed album contains eleven beautiful nigunim composed by our very own Rosh HaYeshiva, HaRav Elyakim Getzel Rosenblatt, Shlita. The music by the Neginah Orchestra is arranged and conducted by Yisroel Lamm, and is accompanied by an extraordinary choir. Shaar HaNeginah is available at all music outlets and Seforim stores. This beautiful cassette is a must for every Jewish home.


Arthur Reich, Chairman

"Shaar HaNeginah" Cassette Campaign of Yeshiva Kesser Torah of Queens

1    According to the Targum Yonasan and Sephorno loco citado, this posuk refers to Aharon HaKohen.