"למה תוקעין ומריעין כשהן יושבין ותוקעין ומריעין כשהן עומדין כדי לערבב שטן"
The blasts of the Shofar that are blown before שמונה עשרה, Shmoneh Esreh, are termed, תקיעות דמיושב, "Tekiyos DeMeyushav -Sitting Blasts." The blasts that are blown during the Shmoneh Esreh are called תקיעות דמעומד "Tekiyos DeMeumad -Standing Blasts." This Gemorah is saying that, although, in order to fulfill the Biblical requirement of blowing the Shofar on Rosh HaShana, it would have been sufficient to blow – תקיעות דמעומד – Tekiyos DeMeumad alone (those that are blown while standing שמונה עשרה), the Rabbis, nevertheless, enacted an additional set of Shofar blasts, those that are blown while sitting[1], in order to confuse the Soton.
How do the additional blasts of the Shofar confuse and confound the Soton? There is a difference of opinion between Rashi and Tosfos, as to exactly how these extra blasts of the Shofar confuse the Soton. Rashi explains that the Soton will not prosecute when he hears how Klal Yisroel observe the Mitzvah of Shofar so lovingly, blowing many times more than the Torah actually requires. Maran HaGaon HaRav Aharon Kotler zt"l, explains Rashi to mean that the Soton, whose mission is to prosecute against Klal Yisroel for their sins, will be too discouraged to prosecute, when he observes them fulfilling the Mitzvah of Shofar so lovingly and so enthusiastically, beyond what the Torah requires. He thinks that surely HaKadosh Boruch Hu will favor Klal Yisroel and not reckon with his – the Soton’s – allegations and charges.
Tosfos, on the other hand, explain that the Soton will be confused upon hearing the additional blasts of the Shofar because he knows that at the time of the eventual redemption, when Moshiach will come, a great Shofar will be sounded, and he, the Soton, will then cease to exist forever. Thus when the Soton hears the repeated blasts of the Shofar he thinks this to be the Shofar of Moshiach. He becomes distraught and confused. He believes his very existence lies in jeopardy, and he can no longer prosecute. Accordingly, we have two distinct interpretations of how the additional blasts of the shofar confuse and confound the Soton.
The Gemorah continues, "Rav Yitzchok said: If the Shofar is not sounded at the beginning of the year, evil shall befall at the end of it. What is the reason? – Because the Soton has not been confused." The BaHaG (brought in Tosfos) explains that this refers to a year when the Shofar will not be blown due to an אונס onus, an accident. It is then that evil will befall, but if the Shofar will not be blown that year because Rosh HaShana happens to fall on Shabbos, it shall, nevertheless, be a good year. [The Shofar is not blown on Shabbos by Rabbinic decree, so that one will not come to carry it on Shabbos.]
This is mystifying. According to the BaHaG, how could there possibly be a good year for Klal Yisroel if Rosh HaShana were to fall on Shabbos? By Rabbinic decree there is no sounding of the Shofar! What will confuse the Soton from prosecuting against Klal Yisroel?
Maran HaGaon HaRav Aharon Kotler z"tl answers that, according to Rashi, it is not the actual blast of the Shofar which confuses the Soton, but rather what it reflects- namely, the love and affection which brings Klal Yisrael to blow beyond what the Torah requires. Perhaps we can extend this concept to the Mitzvah of Shabbos. Just as the love and enthusiasm for the Mitzvah of Shofar is so effectual that it discourages the Soton from prosecuting against Klal Yisroel, so too will the love and enthusiasm for the Mitzvah of Shabbos discourage the Soton. When the Soton will see an entire Klal Yisroel refraining from blowing the Shofar, as a safeguard, so as not to even inadvertently carry it on Shabbos, that display of love for Shabbos will dishearten and deter the Soton. This love and regard for Shabbos has even more consequence here, as Klal Yisroel is refraining from blowing the Shofar on Shabbos despite the fact that they desperately need it to confuse the Soton and survive this day of judgement. What a remarkable love for Shabbos is displayed here!
This is mystifying. Although this answer resolves the question beautifully, it only fits with Rashi's explanation that it is not the actual blast of the Shofar that confuses the Soton, but rather, it is Klal Yisroel’s love and affection for the Mitzvah of Shofar which brings them to blow more than required. According to Tosfos, however, who explain that it is the actual blast of the Shofar which confuses the Soton, who thinks this to be the Shofar of Mashiach and consequently fears for his very existence, the original question returns. When Rosh HaShana falls on Shabbos how could there possibly be a good year for Klal Yisroel? There is no blast of the Shofar. What will confuse the Soton? What will be the defense for Klal Yisroel?
In answer to this penetrating question, perhaps we can glean from here a new revelation as to the true greatness and far-reaching powers of our Holy Chazal. When these venerable sages sat in their chambers and decreed not to blow the Shofar when Rosh HaShana falls on Shabbos, it not only had implications here on earth, but even had ramifications in the Heavens. Their decree removing from Klal Yisroel the Mitzvah and the defense mechanism of Shofar, incredibly provided an alternative defense mechanism. For is it conceivable that Chazal were concerned here only for a possibility of a Shabbos violation, without regard for Klal Yisroel's precarious state of existence in Heaven, leaving it defenseless from the vicious onslaught of the Soton's prosecution? Surely not! Rather, their decree not to blow the Shofar on Rosh HaShana when it falls on Shabbos has affected the Heavens, making the Soton incapable of prosecuting against Klal Yisroel. The decree of our holy Chazal here on Earth not to blow the Shofar has accomplished the unimaginable – the silencing of the Soton's prosecution in the Heavenly courts. Chazal's decree here on earth affect the workings and machinations of the Heavens themselves. Hence we see here the extraordinary and unfathomable greatness of our Holy Chazal.
Both of these explainations that we have discussed are most inspiring. From Rashi, we observe the enormous merit of going beyond what the halacha requires, induced by an abundance of love and affection for the Mitzvah. From Tosfos we see the incredible and far-reaching powers of our Holy Chazal, whose enactments on earth affect the very Heavens themselves.
May we be privileged to fulfill the Mitzvos with hearts gushing with enthusiasm and eagerness, with love and affection, bringing us to fulfill all the Mitzvos even beyond the requirements of the Halacha. May we be privileged to perceive and fulfill the decrees and enactments, the interpretations and the פסקי הלכות, Piskei Halachos, of our Holy Chazal with awe and adulation, with respect and admiration.
In this Zchus may we, together with the entire Klal Yisroel, be inscribed and sealed in the book of life and may we be zoche to a sweet and good year, a year of happiness and nachas, a year of good health, peace and prosperity. Amen!
[1] Strictly speaking it is permitted to sit, however the universal custom nowadays is to stand even during the blasts before Shmoneh
Esreh (Mishna Brurah585:2).