Yeshiva Kesser Torah

Founded by Rabbi Elyakim Rosenblatt, ZT"L

Rosh HaYeshiva


6th Yahrzeit, March 19, 2025




Click here to see our full schedule of minyanim. Join our WhatsApp group for minyan updates, and our email list for announcements and divrei Torah. 



Kesser Torah 2024 Melave Malka Journal

Thank you to everyone who participated in and those that helped make the Melave Malka a beautiful and meaningful event.

You can view the Journal by clicking on this link.

(To view the 2023 Journal, click here.)



Watch The Third Yahrzeit of our beloved


Rabbi Elyakim Getzel Rosenblatt ZT"L


 כ' אדר 5782 

Donate Now L'Zacher Nishmas Rabbi Rosenblatt ZT"L




View the second Yahrzeit program held on  כ' אדר 5781 



Harav Elyakim G. Rosenblatt’s Shiurim and Chassidic Gems on the weekly Parshas Hashavua can also on be seen on  and can also be heard on your telephone through Kol Halashon. The telephone number to call is 718-395-2440.  Press 1 – 1 – 30 for Shiurim and 1 – 4 – 32 for Chassidic Gems.


About Harav Rosenblatt ZT"L:

Harav Elyakim Rosenblatt was a Talmid of the great Gaon and Gadol Hador, Maran Hagaon Harav Aharon Kotler, ZT”L (Beth Medrash Govoha, Lakewood, NJ). He was also a Talmid of the great Gaon and venerable Rosh HaYeshiva, Maran Hagaon, Harav Henach Leibowitz ZT”L (Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim).

Special Events at Yeshiva Kesser Torah:

  • Annual Journal Breakfast in May, with the participation of many Rabbanim.
  • Annual Journal Melava Malka in November, where Rabbi Rosenblatt sings his own Nigunim, accompanied by live music.
  • Carlebach Style Davening every Friday evening of Shabbos Mevorchim.  


About Yeshiva Kesser Torah:


Nestled in the heart of Kew Garden Hills, Queens, is a Yeshiva radiating with energy that defies its surroundings – Yeshiva Kesser Torah. Since its inception in 1965, the Yeshiva has earned an international reputation for its remarkable achievements, particularly in the area of Kiruv Rechokim. Yeshiva Kesser Torah was a Yeshiva Gedolah for the novice in his first learning experience to the advanced Talmid Chacham

Today, the Yeshiva offers minyanim throughout the day and evening, Outreach classes, Divrei Torah, and Periodic distribution of Yeshiva “Shmuessin” to various communities throughout the United States, as Parshas Hashavua sheets. The Rosh HaYeshiva, Harav Elyakim G. Rosenblatt, ZT"L, succeeded in producing true, sincere and dedicated Bnei Torah and Talmidei Chachomim. These high caliber young men in turn use their talents to serve and inspire their respective communities. May the light of Torah and Mussar at Yeshiva Kesser Torah, burn with intensity and may the warmth of its rays bring guidance and inspiration to all who come in contact with it.


72-11 Vleigh Place, Kew Gardens Hills, NY 11367